Direct Endoscopy Guidelines

At GastroNorth, we offer Direct Access Endoscopy for patients if they meet the criteria.

Prior to admission, all patients will be seen by the gastroenterologist performing the procedure, as well as the anaesthetist. They will discuss informed consent for the procedure, potential therapy and recovery.

We are committed to patient safety. We will assess all patients over the age of 80 years, as well as all patients on Warfarin or Clopidergrel (or any other blood thinning medications, with the exception of Aspirin) at a consultation time prior to the procedure. We will also assess those on diabetic medications.

Contraindications to Direct Access Endoscopy include:

  • Patients with a BMI over 40
  • Patients with significant immobility
  • Patients younger than 16 years old attending without a parent
  • Those with severe cardiac or respiratory disease