Our Newsletter – GUT INSTINCT

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Gut Instinct | Issue 1, 2024

This issue discusses the importance of our gut microbiome to our overall health. How can we improve our gut health with the 3 'Fs' - Food, Fitness and Fasting? Dr Tin Nguyen shares his easy recipe for fermented vegetables.


Gut Instinct | Issue 4, 2023

In this issue, we discuss how IBD and IBS differ, and why it is important to get an accurate diagnosis. We also highlight how spices like cinnamon and ginger can positively affect our gut health, and share a recipe for a delicious festive treat!


Gut Instinct | Issue 3, 2023

In this issue, we discuss strategies to combat bloating, the rise in cases of eosinophilic oesophagitis and we highlight the benefits of adding kiwi fruit and chia seeds to your meals.


Gut Instinct | Issue 2, 2023

It's Bowel Cancer Awareness Month! In this issue, we highlight the symptoms to be aware of, the importance of screening, and the dietary and lifestyle changes that can reduce our risk of developing this cancer. We also discuss how AI technology assists us during colonoscopy procedures.


Gut Instinct | Issue 1, 2023

In this issue, we discuss how our gut bacteria can affect our sleep, whether oats can be consumed as part of a gluten-free diet and chia seeds for constipation.
